What Is Juvederm Volbella Used for?
Juvederm Volbella is made to be used on the lips. It is made to restore lip volume, contour your lip shape, and create soft, perfectly natural results. It’s the perfect way to treat:
Asymmetrical lips
Thinning lips
Lip shape and size
Downturned lip corners
Weak vermillion border
Smile lines
What is Juvederm Volbella made from?
This FDA-approved elite injectable uses hyaluronic acid to stimulate collagen production and create better hydration in the skin. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is also produced naturally by our bodies, so products that use it tend to be highly compatible. The treatment simply dissolves away over time.
HA keeps the skin lubricated and hydrated, and through this and the stimulation of collagen production, it increases skin volume and suppleness. The different formulas in the Juvederm line are made with different molecule thicknesses so they work particularly well in different areas of the face.